Time to Smell the Roses
You know what deja vu is, right? Well that is what I am currently experiencing. I gashed my foot open. Again. Except worse. And with a cleaver.

It was a lovely day. It was sunny and windy, making it pretty, yet not too hot. I decided that I was going to make soup for my dad, who was coming home today, back from a tour of china. I put in noodles, and seasonings, and decided that zucchini would be good in it. I tried using the little knife first, but when it didn't work very well, had to use the cleaver. It isn't a true cleaver; it isn't that big, but is still about 3 inches wide and 6 inches long, and, because it is made out of cheap metal, was very sharp. Once I finished, I thought I should put some garlic in it, so I peeled some. I bent down to put the skins in the garbage and some part of me bumped the handle of the knife, causing it to fall off the counter and onto my pinkie toe. It sliced it lengthwise, to the bone, but luckily didn't hit it. Chaos ensued, needless to say. It was heightened by the fact that we didn't speak Chinese.

But now my fingers are tired, so I shall explain the rest later.
9/14/2010 10:31:32 am

Aw. Poor Rosie.


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